Napisz zdania o turyście i podrózniku.W nastepujacej kolejnosci:
a) type of accommodation
b) means of transport
c) type of luggage
d)ways of spending time
e)holiday eating habits
A traveller prefers to stay in a tent,close to nature.
A tourist wants a nice,air-conditioned room.
Zdania maja byc rozwinięte tak jak w przykladzie.
Z góry dziękuje!:*Pozdrawiam :)
2.Dopasuj przyklady do Turystow lub Podroznikow:)
a)look for adventure
b)are easygoing
c)want comfort,even luxury
c)like sunbathing
d)dont even send postcards
e)go to hot countries
f)often sleep under the stars
g)buy souvenirs
h)go on a diet before going on holiday
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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A tourist almost always choose hotels, they want to feel comfortable.
A traveller doesn't care about quality and sleep usually in a tent, for him important is adventure.
A tourist is a person who care about the most comfortable and the speedest mean of transport.
A traveller is the one who goes to live the unknown, most of the time he walk on foot.
A tourist choose the most stylish clothes to look good and a lot useless stuff
A traveller take only the most important stuff to survive.
A tourist is the person who goes to visit a well known place.
A traveller is the one who goes to live the unknown.
A tourist during holiday doesn't care about calories, they eat only tasty and delicious food.
A traveller choose a cheaper kind of food, He eat only to survive.
a) traveller
b) tourist
c) tourist
d) tourist
e) traveller
f) traveller
g) tourist
h) tourist