September 2018 1 27 Report

Napisz zdania o turyście i podrózniku.W nastepujacej kolejnosci:

a) type of accommodation

b) means of transport

c) type of luggage

d)ways of spending time

e)holiday eating habits


A traveller prefers to stay in a tent,close to nature.

A tourist wants a nice,air-conditioned room.

Zdania maja byc rozwinięte tak jak w przykladzie.

Z góry dziękuje!:*Pozdrawiam :)

2.Dopasuj przyklady do Turystow lub Podroznikow:)

a)look for adventure

b)are easygoing

c)want comfort,even luxury

c)like sunbathing

d)dont even send postcards

e)go to hot countries

f)often sleep under the stars

g)buy souvenirs

h)go on a diet before going on holiday

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1.Uzupełnij poniższe pary zdań w czasie Present Simpe i Present Continuous,używająć czasowników podanych w nawiasach.a. My brother..........Mechanical Engineering at a technical college.Tonight he ......for an exam.(study).b.My the country this Saturday.They.....away nearly every weekend.(go)c.I.....a lot of since fiction books.I ......a good one at the moment.(read)d.He.....a football game on TV every Wednesday.(watch)e.The SandS shop.....high quality stereo equipment.This week they....some brands at lower prices.(sell)2.Uzupełnij pytania w czasie Present Simple lub Present Continuos,używająć wyrazó podanych w nawiasach.1.A:Mark,....(you/leave) the party now?B:Yes,sorry,but I'm really tried.2.A:Dad,....(you.need) your laptop at the moment? I'd just like to check my mailbox.B:No,it's OK.Here you are.3.A: I can't see Darren..........(he/know)about our meeting?B:Yes,I called him this morning.4.A:I can't understand the guide!.......(he/say)anything important?B:Sorry,I have no idea,either.5.A:I've just got a postcard from Sue and Mary.They're at a language camp in Malta.B:So,...............(they/enjoy) it?3.Uzupelnij zdania wyrazeniami z ramki,wstawiajac je w odpowiedniej formie czasu Present Simple lub Present Continuous.Każdego wyrazenia mozesz uzyc tylko raz.*take a long time ,*not want,*work part-time,*look after,*not do anything,*not wait for anyone.a.Judy is very ill now and she can't go to school.Her grandma..........her.b.Look,it;s cold and raining go out at the moment.c.It's a really tasty dish but prepare.d.A:I think someone's knocking.Who couls the be?B:I have no idea.I......e.Mark is still a student,but he earn some extra money.f.Chris,are you busy?No,I.........special.Come on in,please.

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