Napisz wiadomość- notatkę zgodnie z poleceniem.
Twój angielskojęzyczny współlokator jest chory i śpi, a ty musisz wyjść z domu.
Napisz wiadomość a w niej
*wyjaśnij przyczynę swojej nieobecności
*poinformuj kiedy wrócisz
*przypomnij o braniu lekarstwa zgodnie z zaleceniem lekarza
*zachęć go- ją do wypoczynku.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Luke,
I left this letter because I must do to my grandmother, she is ill just like you. She has flu and pain on head. I will be there to the evening, because I must go shooping and buy her medicine. Sorry that I left you alone so long. When I come back I will do supper to you unless you will be slepping.
I remind you about take medicine, which you have from a doctor. Remind that you must take it twice a day, on the morning and evening and drink much water. You should lying in bed all day long. You can watch the TV and listening the radio. I hope that you do not be bored when I be in gradmether. Remember about medicine. I apologise again that I do not be with tou.
See you,
Hi, Ann
I must left you, because my mum had tribble accident at the Road Street, and she's now in hospital, so I need to see her. I don; know when I return home, but it won't be early. Maybe 5 or 4 p.m. By the way, I further do shopping in nearby shopping centre. Certainly, you mustn' t forget your medicine. Remember, what told doctor. I encourage you to rest a lot, becouse ( tak też można powiedzieć, wersja amerykańska, to znaczy inczej zapisać ,,bo".) you faster to get better.