Napisz Weather Forecast (prognozę pogody) w weekand na 250 słów. Miasto: Londyn.
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Weather forecast for the coming weekend: Morning skies will be cloudy and it rains for 30 minutes at 7.00. About 9.00 clouds sailed to the west and by 12.00 hours will be 20 degrees heat. At 13 it will be snowing and about 14 hours will be hail fell. At 15 will be the sun and about 16 passes at a tornado. At 17 the weather was calm and the sun will shine again. at 19 will again fall and about 20 will be at 16 degrees of heat. At 22 is the sudden cooling of the climate and will be -5 degrees. Such weather will prevail until midnight because at midnight the weather suddenly improves and will be 40 degrees in the black. So it will be until 7 am on Sunday, because then it will be a sudden cooling of -20 degrees and a tornado 5 degrees. The temperature fluctuations in 10.00 to finish and will be 30 degrees on the tree, and so it will be the end of the transitional rain storms and hail.
Morning skies will be cloudy and it rains for 30 minutes at 7.00. About 9.00 clouds sailed to the west and by 12.00 hours will be 20 degrees heat. At 13 it will be snowing and about 14 hours will be hail fell. At 15 will be the sun and about 16 passes at a tornado. At 17 the weather was calm and the sun will shine again. at 19 will again fall and about 20 will be at 16 degrees of heat. At 22 is the sudden cooling of the climate and will be -5 degrees. Such weather will prevail until midnight because at midnight the weather suddenly improves and will be 40 degrees in the black. So it will be until 7 am on Sunday, because then it will be a sudden cooling of -20 degrees and a tornado 5 degrees. The temperature fluctuations in 10.00 to finish and will be 30 degrees on the tree, and so it will be the end of the transitional rain storms and hail.