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Temat : Byłes na wycieczce, na której wydarzyły się nieoczekiwane sytuacje. Napisz opowiadanie opisujące tą wycieczkę.
( oczywiście prosiłabym o "normalne" sytuacje, a nie takie, że koleżanka zaszła w ciążę :P np. popsuł nam się autokar itd.. )
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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On Saturday, in the morning, in February last winter my friend Anna and I decided to go skiing to Wisła by car. It was a very cold day. The temperature was -18oC. but it wasn't snowing. We left about midday. The road was slippery. When we reached our destination we were excited. I and Anna went to the ski rental. After 15 minutes we were already skiing.
We were very pleased before we saw something horrifying. Some people were lying in the snow and there was a lot of blood everywhere. At first we were very shocked but later we called the hospital. My friend started to do artificial respiration to a woman immediately and she recuperated
Soon the ambulance came. Doctors took the woman to hospital. The result of the accident was that the woman had fracture of her leg bone and she had concussion. I had my mobile with me, so I called for my father to come and take us home.
After 1 hour we were at home. We drank hot chocolate and watched a comedy to be in a better mood. But I was still frightened and Anna was shocked. We hoped that the women would recover. The next morning, we drove to hospital. The woman felt better and she thanked us for help. We were very happy and when we came back home we told this story to our friends. They were very nice to us. They said “ Congratulations on your courage !”.