Napisz recenzję filmu np M jak Miłość, Pierwsza Miłość , Ciacho, Shrek, U pana boga w ogródku, Świat według kiepskich. proszę o opisanie któregoś z nich po angielsku warzne do niedzieli
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It,s one of my favourite film. "Shrek" it's very funny film. It's made in USA. The main hero is Shrek. He whith donkey tied to help Fiona get out of castle. They have a very nice adventur. It's a film about ogre and his friend. It's very nice film.
In the film cast: Mike Myers as Shrek, Cameron Diaz as Fiona, Eddie Muphy as donkey.(Of course they put only voice)It bassed on book. the director is Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson.
I loved this film very much, becouse it's funny. I recomand you the film. "Shrek" it's verry good film.