September 2018 1 67 Report
Napisz pytania do zaznaczonych części zdania.
1) ...
Ich bin heute um 6.30 Uhr aufgestanden.
2) ...
Alex hat mit seinen Geschwistern gefrühstückt.
3) ...
Monika hat sich schnell gewaschen.
4) ...
Otto hat zum Frühstück ein Brötchen mit Honig gegessen.
5) ...
Die Mutter hat Pausenbrote gemacht.

nie było mnie w szkole a to było zadane trzeba napisać zdania do tej zaznaczonej część (innym kolorem)z góry dzięki

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Te wszystkie zadania sa z czasu PAST RERFECT SIMPLE1.zakreśl własciwa formę czasownika-When Joan met/had met Tina at the party, she thought/ had thought that she saw/had seen her somewhere before.-Peter got off/ had got off the bus and walked/ had walked into the post office when he realized/ had realized that he left/had left his backpack on the bus-when I chose/had chosen my new MP3 player I noticed/had noticed that it was/ had been too expensive-I went/had gone to the repair shop to ask about my computer,but they said/had said that it wasn't/hadn't been repaired yet2.Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak by znaczyło to samo co pierwsze. uzyj nie wiecej niz 3 wyrazy 1. BArry was sure his keys were not in his pocket.barry was sure.................his keys2. We massed the train so we took a cab we took a cab because.................... the train3.the window was broken and the teacher suspected me.The teacher suspected that ............. the window4. we moved to a new house and then we bought a dog.we bought a dog when........... to a new house5. I thought I knew that film but i was wrongI thought............ the film before, but i hadn'tprzykład;we arrived at Sue's house but she wasn't there anymore. when we arrived at sue's house,she..had already left.........3,znajdz i popraw błą w uzyciu czasów gramatycznych-when i got into bed i had fallen asleep immediately-while i was looking for my passport i realized i left it at home-we had moved to out new house five years ago.-when we had ate breakfast, we had gone to school -maria used to live in spin when she had been a child-ben had rang Tilda after he had heard the news about her father to są zadania z repetytorium z testami macmillan gimnazjum str. 230,231 zad 1,3,4 help
Te wszystkie zadania sa z czasu PAST RERFECT SIMPLE1.zakreśl własciwa formę czasownika-When Joan met/had met Tina at the party, she thought/ had thought that she saw/had seen her somewhere before.-Peter got off/ had got off the bus and walked/ had walked into the post office when he realized/ had realized that he left/had left his backpack on the bus-when I chose/had chosen my new MP3 player I noticed/had noticed that it was/ had been too expensive-I went/had gone to the repair shop to ask about my computer,but they said/had said that it wasn't/hadn't been repaired yet2.Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak by znaczyło to samo co pierwsze. uzyj nie wiecej niz 3 wyrazy1. BArry was sure his keys were not in his pocket.barry was sure.................his keys2. We massed the train so we took a cabwe took a cab because.................... the train3.the window was broken and the teacher suspected me.The teacher suspected that ............. the window4. we moved to a new house and then we bought a dog.we bought a dog when........... to a new house5. I thought I knew that film but i was wrongI thought............ the film before, but i hadn'tprzykład;we arrived at Sue's house but she wasn't there anymore.when we arrived at sue's house,she..had already left.........3,znajdz i popraw błą w uzyciu czasów gramatycznych-when i got into bed i had fallen asleep immediately-while i was looking for my passport i realized i left it at home-we had moved to out new house five years ago.-when we had ate breakfast, we had gone to school-maria used to live in spin when she had been a child-ben had rang Tilda after he had heard the news about her fatherto są zadania z repetytorium z testami macmillan gimnazjumstr. 230,231 zad 1,3,4help

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