Napisz pocztówkę z wakacji do znajomych z Anglii uwzględnij następujące informacje:
- gdzie jestes
- co robiłes wczoraj
- co ci sie najbardziej podoba
- jakie masz plany na najblizsze dni
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Ann!
I'm on holidays in Sopot. I’m staying in a cheap youth hostel near the sea. As you know, I’m here with my friends- Jim and Martha, but I also had a chance to meet very interesting people from Sopot. At the moment we are sunbathing on the beach and just having rest after a long night that we had yesterday.
Sopot is great. Every day we play beach volleyball, go swimming, sightseeing and visit popular pubs. The weather is just brilliant. Yesterday it rained a lot so we spent lots of time shopping. We bought nice presents for friends and family. Unfortunately our trip ends on Saturday I hope we won’t be late for the train.
See you soon.
Hello Diane and Kate!
How are you? I'm fine. I'm in Spain.
It's an amazing country. Everybody is friendly.
Yesterday I was in Barcelona. I saw a beautiful places. My favourite place is Camp Nou. I'm a big fan of FC Barcelona.
Next week I'll go to Madryt. I want to visit museums and gardens.
Greetings form Spain!
Your XYZ
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