That holidays I and my girlfriend were by the Baltic Sea. We spent there 2 weeks. (dosłowne tłumaczenie: I was there 14 days, that are 2 weeks.). The weather was sunny for most of time, only at the same end it deteriorated and it was raining. We got there by train. We stayed in my friend's house. We were going for a stroll (walk) every day and going to discos. We arrived home at late evening in 28 June. (co do ostatniego zdania nie wiem czy najpierw pisać późny wieczór czy datę)
That holidays I and my girlfriend were by the Baltic Sea. We spent there 2 weeks. (dosłowne tłumaczenie: I was there 14 days, that are 2 weeks.). The weather was sunny for most of time, only at the same end it deteriorated and it was raining. We got there by train. We stayed in my friend's house. We were going for a stroll (walk) every day and going to discos. We arrived home at late evening in 28 June. (co do ostatniego zdania nie wiem czy najpierw pisać późny wieczór czy datę)
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