Napisz (po angiesku) maksymalnie używając 65 słów, Dlaczego chcesz wystąpić w programie Pop Dreams ( program muzyczny )
P.S to jest bardzo pilne, poniważ nauczycielka mi to weźmie na ocene, trzeba tu napisać, że jest się dobry w tym itd.
DAM NAJ !!!!!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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i would like to be on pop dreams verry much. I think so because i have a talent and i want to show this to other people and get famous. If you have a talent and you dont use it i think that its the same as not having a talent. If i had an opportunity to show my talent i would go on the show without even thinking. Also i really want to be on the tv because ......... <---- napisz co myslisz i bedzie dobrze :)
I would like to appear in your newest TV show called Pop Dreams and perform a song. Why me? I'm a great singer with great voice and big capabilities to dance. I would really appreciate your invite.
Hi my name is Patryk and I'm a great singer. I wanted to sing in your new TV show named Pop Dreams. I can dance and sing very well and i don't have any problems with that. I would love invite to your program.