When you sang this song?
Where are you living?
What are you doing ?Who has my letter?
Which is good answer?
Why don' t want you go to the cinema?
How long want you do this exercise?
How many people were there at the party?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Where is my pen? Gdzie jest moje pióro?
Your pen is here. twoje pióro jest tutaj
when we go on a trip? Kiedy jedziemy na wycieczkę?
for six days. za sześć dni
what's in your bag? co masz w plecaku?
books, pencil case and notebooks,książki, piórnik i zeszyty
who is this? co to jest?
This is my photo album to jest mój album na zdjęcia
which perfume to buy ? które perfumy kupić?
these pink. te różowe
why are you angry? dlaczego jesteś zły?
because I got a bad estimation. bo dostałem złą ocene
how long we have to wait for you ? jak długo mamy czekać na ciebie?
as long as he wants. tak długo ile chce
how many will come to this party ? jak wielu przyjdzie na tą imprezę?
all my friends. wszyscy moi znajomi
Mam nadzieję że pomogłam :)) liczę na naj :)
When you sang this song?
Where are you living?
What are you doing ?Who has my letter?
Which is good answer?
Why don' t want you go to the cinema?
How long want you do this exercise?
How many people were there at the party?