NAPISZ OGŁOSZENIE Jesteś współorganizatorem zawodów sportowych w szkole w Anglii. Napisz ogłoszenie informujące uczniów o tych zawodach: -określ dyscyplinę sportu i rodzaj zawodów -podaj miejsce i termin -poinformuj, jak można zgłaszać swój udział -zachęć wszystkich do uczestnictwa
40 PUNKTÓW!!! za bardzo dobre odpowiedzi daje NAJ, na niskim poziomie usuwam bardzo PROSZĘ o rozwiązanie i dziękuję :)
!!!COMPETITION!!! In our school on Sunday (30th May) will be big sport competition. There will be lots of sport disciplines, which you can start on. It will be football, volleyball, basketball, tennis and athletics (penthatlon). You can report participation in competitions to Friday (28th May) in your school. For winners and placement will be fantastic awards. If you want you can come with family and friend, because next of the stadium will be big picnic. Well, don't wait and come to win great prices!!!
In our school on Sunday (30th May) will be big sport competition. There will be lots of sport disciplines, which you can start on. It will be football, volleyball, basketball, tennis and athletics (penthatlon). You can report participation in competitions to Friday (28th May) in your school. For winners and placement will be fantastic awards. If you want you can come with family and friend, because next of the stadium will be big picnic. Well, don't wait and come to win great prices!!!