September 2018 1 25 Report
Napisz o swoim ulubionym artyscie [Pih, lub Funky Polak], ma byc zawarte:
-kim jest artysta
-jak go poznalem
-jaka muzyke tworzy
-co mi sie w nim najbardziej podoba
-za co go cenie
-troche o zyciu prywatnym

Praca na minimum 1strone A4 czcionka 12!!! mniejsze beda zglaszane
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1. Wstaw właściwą formę czasownika. 1. I'm tired. I ......................(work) in the garden all afternoon. 2. The owners..........................(restore) the old house. 3. My house is a mess. I ................(not/do) any cleaning for months. 4. I think Maggie and Max are dating. They...........................(see) very often recently. 5. We know a perfect place to have a rest and we .......................(go) there a lot for some years now. 6. I ............................(not/call) Barbara for ages. 7. What ...............................(you/do) for such a long time? 8. Sue .........................(not/feel) too well lately. 9. Where have you been? I..................................(wait) for ages. 10. He...................................(write) his essay so far. 2. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedz. 1. She.......................for you all day a. haves been waiting b. has been waiting c. has waiting 2. I...........................this book since Monday a. have read b. have been reading c. have been read 3. We.......................all morning. Where have you been? a. has been calling b. have been calling c. have been caling 4. What ......................since last party? a.have you do b. have you done c. have you been doing 5. We........................working in the garden because it was raining a. haven't been b. haven't c. have been't 6. My mother .......................since she came back home a.have been watching TV b. has been watching TV c. has watching TV 7. My friend................... judo for a long time a. has been doing b.has been ding c. has been dooing 8. Kate .......................Mark since they were children. a. has known b. has been knowing c. has knowing 9. They stayed at home, because it..........for long time a. hasn't been raining b. has been raining c. has rained 10. Lisa ................her English a. has not been practicing b. has been not practising c. has ben practicing

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