Napisz list : W amerykańskim sklepie internetowym kupiłeś telefon komórkowy. Napisz list w którym: - wyjaśnisz że chcesz złożyć reklamację zakupionego telefonu i podajesz szczegóły zamówienia - informujesz że sklep dostarczył ci niekompletny pakiet. Podaj co najmniej 2 elementy których brakuje - wspomnisz że sam telefon jest wadliwy i precyzujesz na czym polega wada. - prosisz o zwrot pieniędzy i wyrażasz nadzieję, że problem zostanie rozwiązany.
Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to complaint about the cellphone which I purchased on your website about week ago. It was the newest iPhone with headphones, etui and two small loudspeakers. It cost me 1000$ so I was very surprise when I found in a box only cellphone without promised benefits and whats-more there were scratches on the display. I demand full repayment for that inconveniences because it's scandal that so expensive stuff was sent so unprofessionally and with damages. I'm looking forward to your answer and I hope you will solve this problem soon.
I am writing to complaint about the cellphone which I purchased on your website about week ago. It was the newest iPhone with headphones, etui and two small loudspeakers. It cost me 1000$ so I was very surprise when I found in a box only cellphone without promised benefits and whats-more there were scratches on the display.
I demand full repayment for that inconveniences because it's scandal that so expensive stuff was sent so unprofessionally and with damages.
I'm looking forward to your answer and I hope you will solve this problem soon.
Your faithfully,