napisz list po angielsku.
wakacje spędzisz w anglii mieszkając u miejskiej rodziny . npisz list i w którym ma być zawarte ;
1)podaj date i godzine swojego przylotu i spytaj czy ktoś bedzie mógł cie odebrać z lotniska.
2)zapytaj czy w pobliżu nie ma miejsca gdzie mieszka rodzina nie ma miejsca do uprawiania piłki noznej i siatkówki.
3)zapytaj o panujacą pogode i jakie rzeczy masz ze soba zabrać .
napisz jak się czujesz w zwiazku ze zbliżającym sie spotkaniem i poproś o szybką odpowiedź
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I very enjoy to meet our family and again thanksfor theinvitation. Here I' m enclosing data about my arrival to us:
My plane is coming to London at 2 p.m. and I have modest question - who could take me from airport? I'm be very grateful.
I haven't told about it earlier - are there any pitches to playing volleyball or football? Finally, what weather is now? What kind of clothes I must take? Maybe raincape? certainly wellingtons and generally warm clothing
I'm excitet abiut our first meeting. I feel bad, because I have cold, but I be healthy, when I arrive. Reply soon.
Love, Ola
Dear X !
At the beginning of my letter I would like you to extend warm greetings. I can not waiting to visiting by you. I will come to London in the twenty first of July in 2011 at 4 o'clock p.m. I hope, somebody would going to aiport for me.
You know, I love playing volleyball, so I thing in this place is the ball games in volleyball. We schould playing volleyball after dinner. But I'afraid about weather. I have heard in London is cold and windy. Which things I need? You must tell me about weather, because I want to prepare to this exit. I' m very excited about this tour. Can I ask you about fast answer ?
Your faithfully,