Napisz list po angielsku: Umówiłaś się z koleżanką z Holandii na wyjazd na narty w przyszły weekend. Niestety stwierdzasz, że musisz się przygotować do ważnego egzaminu , który Cie czeka w następnym tygodniu. W liście do koleżanki: -podaj powód listu i wyjaśnij, dlaczego nie możesz przyjechać -poproś i zaproponuj inna datę -zaproponuj,że zmienisz rezerwację w schronisku lub,że koleżanka zabierze kogoś innego na Twoje miejsce -poproś o szybką odpowiedź i życz jej miłego weekendu.
Pomóżcie:( Prosze o pomoc potrzebne na jutro:( Prosze o przetłumaczenie na język polski:(( blagam pomóżcie:(( list powinien zawierac 100 słów:((nie moze byc mnej
Hi, I'm writing to tell you that unfortunately I can't go skiing with you this weekend. I'd really like to but I can't because I have to study very hard for an important exam which I have to take next week. I'm really sorry. I was thinking that maybe we could go to the mountains some other time. Just tell me what date is good for you. If that helped I could change our reservation in the hostel. I'll understand if that's a problem to you and if you can't go any other time maybe you could take someone else with you. I hope you understand my situation. Please write back to me soon. I hope it's not a big problem for you to change the date of our trip because I was really looking forward to see you. Have a good weekend. See you. X
I'm writing to tell you that unfortunately I can't go skiing with you this weekend. I'd really like to but I can't because I have to study very hard for an important exam which I have to take next week.
I'm really sorry. I was thinking that maybe we could go to the mountains some other time. Just tell me what date is good for you. If that helped I could change our reservation in the hostel. I'll understand if that's a problem to you and if you can't go any other time maybe you could take someone else with you.
I hope you understand my situation. Please write back to me soon. I hope it's not a big problem for you to change the date of our trip because I was really looking forward to see you. Have a good weekend.
See you.