Napisz list po angielsku min 50 słow ze urzodzas przyjecie urodzinowe i zapros kolege.Musi sie znasC wszystkie elemety ktore sa ponizej :
- jak spedziles wakacje
- jak do jechać do domu z lotniska
- zaprosic go naurodzny
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi (imię kolegi)!
How are you?
First, I'd like to tell you something about my vacation. I was in (miejsce itp.). It was amazing there! I (np.) was swimming, and sunbathing all the time!
But after two weeks I had to go back home...
I'm making a birthday party on (data, miejsce itp.). Do you want to come?
Here is a description of the road from the airport to my hause.
First take a bus. When you get to route (np.)12, then take a cup and go straight to my hause.
See you