Napisz list, oto temat:
Ostatnio przebywałeś w Anglii urodziny korespondencyjnego kolegi, napisz list do tej rodziny w którym;
·podziękujesz za pobyt
·stwierdzisz ze bardzo podobał ci się twój pokój i smakowały ci potrawy jego mamy
·zaprosisz całą rodzinę do swego domu w Polsce
albo ten temat;
jesteś na wakacjach. zredaguj pocztówkę do korespondencyjnego kolegi z Anglii napisz;
·jak do tej pory spędziłeś czas
·o swoich wrażeniach dotyczących np. miejsca, ludzi, jedzenia
·o swoich planach na jutro
50 do 100 słów
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Tom,
I would like to say thank you for time spent at your house. That was a really great time. I had a lot of fun.
I realy enjoyed the time with you and your family. I liked your room especially all posters. I also liked the bed which was massive. Also all colours were nice and bright. I wish my room looked like yours.
Special thanks to your mum for all meals prepared. She is the best cook. Her pasta and ham sandwiches tasted the best in my life.
Anyway, I would like to invite you and your family to visit me in my house in Poland. My mum is going to prepare some food. Maybe we can go to park for a picknic and spend nice time all together.
Hope I will hear from you soon.
Say hi to your family.
That was really nice time.
Your Sincerely
pawel 107
:) Pozdrawiam, mama Dominiki
Dear Tom,
I’m very sorry that I haven’t replied to your letter earlier but I've very busy preparing for my final exams.
First at all I want to thank so much for residence with your family. I spent this time really great and I can't wait to visit you in this year holiday. One of best thing was your mother food. Everything was very delicious. Especially chicken with vegetables and sauce. I agree with local opinions that your moter is best cook in the village. Also my room was great. How did you know that green is my favourite color? And this cool bed in the shape of the car was really good idea.
I invite you to visit me and my family. I promise we will spend really good time together.
I must bring to a close now because it’s already late and I have to get up early tomorrow. Say hello to your family.
Best wishes,