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Dear Jack
I had an accident. Don't worry I am ok, but I want to describe it.So, I was on my way to home from holidays. I was on highway driving very fast, because my prosche is very good car. I got lost in thought and suddenly I crashed with another car. It was big lorry, but I couldn't see it during the crash. In that moment I didn't care about my health, I had to check if second driver is ok. Luckily he was fine. I was in shock and I didn't feel any pain,so I was surprised. But the pain came very quickly. I had got very strong pain in my arm. When I arrived to hospital, doctor said that I have broken my arm. I had also bruise on my head. My beautiful car is totally destroyed, but I don't care about it. I thank God, that nothing more serious problems I didn;t have. How about you? Everything is ok?
Yours sincerely