Napisz list do kolegi z Irlandii którego kilka miesięcy temu zaprosiłaś do złożenia Ci wizyty w Polsce. Niestety sytuacja się skomplikowała i uzgodniony wcześniej termin jest nie do przyjęcia.
W swoim liście :
- Wyjaśnij co się stało i dlaczego musisz odwołać wizytę.
- Zaproponuj inny termin wizyty i wyraź nadzieje ,że koledze będzie odpowiadał
- Napisz jakie masz plany w związku z jego wizytą(wymień min. 2 atrakcje)
- Poradź co powinnien ze sobą zabrać i obiecaj że będziesz czekać na niego na lotnisku.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Carl,
I'm writing because last week I invited you to visit me in Poland at this weekend. I'm really sorry, but I'm afraid it won't be possible in the coming time.
I told you some day about my aunt who lives in Warsaw, do you remember ? She got a well-paying job in Krakow and she have to to go to vocational training. if she don't go, she won't get this job. She lives alone so it's important to her to get it. Apart from that she has two little children and she needs some money, you know. She asked me to carry them when she'll leave. It' s just two weeks. I have to postpone yor visit. We may meet in the last weekend of this month. I hope it' s good date also for you. I'll try to organise more attractions than for this weekend when we were going to meet. We'll go to the ZOO, to Royal Castle, I'll show you the river Wisła and we'll go to some pubs and discos of course. You should take a camera with you because there're a lot of places in Warsaw which are worth to be photographed. I promise I'll be wait for you at the airport with my brother.
See you in Poland !!!