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Hi Yulia,
Sorry, I haven't write for so long but I was very busy. I arranged my party last Sunday.
I invited five girls from my class because I like them and it always a lot of fun whit them. I also invited my boyfriend Tomas with his best friend Peter, because I like him too, he is great. I prepared pizza with a lot of mushrooms and cheese. That was first. Second I prepared hot-dogs with ketchup and mustard. As a snack I prepared small sandwiches with cheese or ham and cucubers or radish next to sandwiches I put some spices, everybody could make his sandwich like they want to.
While I was cooking and preparing dishes I had accident. My blouse caught fire, fortunately Tomas was there. He saw that and help me to put out the fire.
I remember that you asked me about repice for pancakes. You need:
two yolks, one egg , one tablespoon od sugar, one tablespoon of baking powder, two tablespoons od flour, half glass of olive and half glass of milk. Preparation: first mix everything, second fry the dough for pancakes in the frying, afret frying sprinkle them with castor sugar. I hope you will like it.
Take care,