Napisz limeryk [wiersz] (oczywiście w języku Angielskim) 5 linijek. Można zacząć od poniższych wersów. 1.There was a tally lady from Spain... 2.There was a great painter from Greece... 3.There was a plumber from Rome...
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I was a doughter
all my life,
I helped my mother
from time to time
Now she is dead
I am alone
I steel regret
indescribabled word
Tomorrow will come
and i will know
how to survive
in this cruel world
There was a great painter from Greece,
And he had nice and beautiful niece,
She had smart brother,
Who worked with his father,
That family cooked cake and give you a piece.
Mam nadzieję, że ok :D