*Placethecasseroleindeep-sideddish,cover.Place thepotin adeep-sideddish,cover.Coveringitensuresthedishwillnotdryout,anditspeedsreheatingtime.It providescoverdishwill not dry out, anditaccelerateswarming. *AsmicrowaveenergyisConcentratedtotheouterareaofthe oven,casseroledishpositiontotheoutsideoftheturntable.Themicrowave energyis concentratedon theouter surface ofthe oven,casseroledishpositionoutside theturntable. *TimewillvaryAccordingtohowmuchthereiscasserolemixturetoreheat.Timemayvarydepending on theamountof the mixtureto heat thepot.Reheatonhighsetting.Cookonhighsetting. *DuringreheatingStiroccasionally, untilthecontentshavebubbledforatleast2minutes.Stiroccasionallywhileheatinguntilthe contentsare notpassedat least2 minutes.Stirringdistributestheheattemplate called evenly.Stirringdistributes theheatevenly. *ItisimportantThattheliquidisveryhot(bubbling),andthepiecesofmeatareFullyheated.It is importantthat the liquidisveryhot(propagation)and thecutsare fullyheated.
The modern machine is able to transmit information using communication protocols, for almost all aspects of the slot machine to play, including the outcome of the game, the monitoring system. Typically this information is sent to a central monitoring system for accounting and tracking purposes. This information is usually sent to a central tracking system for monitoring and accounting purposes. This information can be passed to Also-associated other equipment dry as a progressive controller. This information can also be passed to other related devices, such as the progressive controller. In this invention, some of the game information is communicated to a beverage dispenser would dispense That one or more units of beverage (can, bottle, mug, fifth, etc..) Upon receipt of an Appropriate signal from the gaming device. In this invention, some of the information, the game is transferred to the dispenser of drinks that could withdraw from one or more of soft drinks (can, bottle, cup, fifth, etc.) after receiving the appropriate signal to the gaming device. This signal could be the result of a winning combination, a specific random event, dry as a bonus, a Certain number of games played, a cumulative Amount of money wagered, etc.. and this signal could be communicated to the beverage dispenser via. This signal may be the result of a winning combination, a specific random event, such as a bonus, a number of matches, the total amount wagered money, etc., and this signal can be given to the beverage distributor. a wire, fiber, RF link or any other communication media. wire, fiber, RF link or other means of communication. The dispenser would understand the signal as it would understand the communication protocol used to send the information forms the slot machine to the beverage dispenser. Dispenser understand the signal, to understand the communication protocol used to send the form information vending beverage distributor.
*Placethecasseroleindeep-sideddish,cover.Place thepotin adeep-sideddish,cover.Coveringitensuresthedishwillnotdryout,anditspeedsreheatingtime.It providescoverdishwill not dry out, anditaccelerateswarming.
*AsmicrowaveenergyisConcentratedtotheouterareaofthe oven,casseroledishpositiontotheoutsideoftheturntable.Themicrowave energyis concentratedon theouter surface ofthe oven,casseroledishpositionoutside theturntable.
*TimewillvaryAccordingtohowmuchthereiscasserolemixturetoreheat.Timemayvarydepending on theamountof the mixtureto heat thepot.Reheatonhighsetting.Cookonhighsetting.
*DuringreheatingStiroccasionally, untilthecontentshavebubbledforatleast2minutes.Stiroccasionallywhileheatinguntilthe contentsare notpassedat least2 minutes.Stirringdistributestheheattemplate called evenly.Stirringdistributes theheatevenly.
*ItisimportantThattheliquidisveryhot(bubbling),andthepiecesofmeatareFullyheated.It is importantthat the liquidisveryhot(propagation)and thecutsare fullyheated.
The modern machine is able to transmit information using communication protocols, for almost all aspects of the slot machine to play, including the outcome of the game, the monitoring system. Typically this information is sent to a central monitoring system for accounting and tracking purposes. This information is usually sent to a central tracking system for monitoring and accounting purposes. This information can be passed to Also-associated other equipment dry as a progressive controller. This information can also be passed to other related devices, such as the progressive controller. In this invention, some of the game information is communicated to a beverage dispenser would dispense That one or more units of beverage (can, bottle, mug, fifth, etc..) Upon receipt of an Appropriate signal from the gaming device. In this invention, some of the information, the game is transferred to the dispenser of drinks that could withdraw from one or more of soft drinks (can, bottle, cup, fifth, etc.) after receiving the appropriate signal to the gaming device. This signal could be the result of a winning combination, a specific random event, dry as a bonus, a Certain number of games played, a cumulative Amount of money wagered, etc.. and this signal could be communicated to the beverage dispenser via. This signal may be the result of a winning combination, a specific random event, such as a bonus, a number of matches, the total amount wagered money, etc., and this signal can be given to the beverage distributor. a wire, fiber, RF link or any other communication media. wire, fiber, RF link or other means of communication. The dispenser would understand the signal as it would understand the communication protocol used to send the information forms the slot machine to the beverage dispenser. Dispenser understand the signal, to understand the communication protocol used to send the form information vending beverage distributor.