Napisz kilkuzdaniowy akapit o kimś z poniższych typów uczniów(the havy metal fan).Opisując typowe zachowania,użyj czasu present simple.
Jack is heavy metal fan.He must wear only black clothes. He wears leather trousers and heavy boots and t shirt with fovourite band. He listens one perticular kinf of music and it is metal or death metal. He drives in weeks with band on the concer . He is guitarist with metl group ''Red Monkeys'' He writes lyrics songs He doesn't selfish,scurffy, bossy .He id kind,gentle ,outgoind and helpful. For him very important thing is family and music. He doesn;t talk about its private lifes .People don't knows what is really.
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Jack is a heavy metal fan.He likes wearing/wears black clothes only. He wears leather trousers, heavy boots and some t-shirts with logos of his favourite bands. He listens one perticular kind of music and it's metal or death metal. He drives whole weeks with his band on the concerts. He is a guitarist in the metal group ''Red Monkeys''. He writes lyrics to the songs. He isn't selfish,scurffy or bossy .He is kind,gentle ,outgoing and helpful. A very important thing for him is both family and music. He doesn't talk about its private life .People don't knowhowhe is in reality.
co do drugiego zdania to wybierz jak wolisz: pierwsza opcja znaczy że 'lubi nosić czarne ubrania, druga że 'nosi czarne ubrania.
Musi być 'the' przy 'Red monkeys' bo mowa o konkretnym zespole.
W 3 zdaniu od końca dałam 'both' tylko ze względów stylistycznych, lepiej brzmi i znaczy 'zarówno rodzine jak i muzykę'.
Na końcu zmieniłam na 'jaki jest w rzeczywistości', ale jeżeli wolisz pierwsza wersje to może być też "[...] don't know how he really is"
pozdrawiam :)
Jack is a heavy metal fan. He wears only black clothes. (Nie wiem po co te must, no chyba, że chce być true i musi się bardzo dopasować do otoczenia ;) ) He wears leather trousers, heavy boots and t-shirts with his favorite bands. He listens to one particular kind of music and it's metal or death metal. (Ale jak piszesz, że słucha jednej a wymieniasz dwie, własciwie podgatunek to lepiej chyba napisać He listens to different kinds of metal genre for example death metal, no ale to tam Twój wybór.) He is a member of metal group "Red Monkeys". They usually perform at the concert once a week. He writes lyrics for their songs. He isn't selfish, scruffy or bossy. He is really kind, gentle, outgoing and helpful. Music and family are very important to him. He doesn't talk about his private life. People don't know how it really is.