Napisz jak spędzają Wielkanoc Amerykanie lub Brytyjczycy . Po angielsku przetłumaczcie tez po polsku, prosze zeby nie bylo mało ale tez nie musi byc bardzo dużo noi żeby było bez błędów dzieki ;d
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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For the British, Easter means four days off work. Celebrations begin for the Good Friday - Good Friday and lasts until Monday - Easter Monday. An egg, a symbol of spring and new life, inextricably linked with Easter in the British Isles, is the hero of many children among UK adults and the children. For example, the egg rolling races turlaniu eggs in the sense that as soon as possible doturlać egg to the finish of the intact shell. A common practice is the egg hunt, the search for chocolate eggs hidden in the corners of the apartment or in the garden.
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