Napisz email do kolegi, w którym powiesz mu że startujesz do samorządu szkolnego. Poinformuj go kiedy i w jaki sposób odbędą się wybory. Napisz dlaczego zdecydowałeś się kandydować. Opisz co zrobiłeś, aby przekonać do głosowania na Ciebie. Przedstaw plany jeśli zostaniesz członkiem samorządu.
Guess what! I'm a candidat to School Council. Voting is starting tomorrow and I'm really excited. I participate to this council because I want to change my school for the better. Toilets and some classes need repair. To convince students I talked with them every gap today. I wanted to show them my character and I said my plans. If I get to council, I will make this school better... For example I'll delete school uniforms and everyone will wear what they want.
Good Bye Mark. :) XYZ ************************************ To powinno wystarczyć :)
Guess what!
I'm a candidat to School Council.
Voting is starting tomorrow and I'm really excited.
I participate to this council because I want to change my school for the better.
Toilets and some classes need repair.
To convince students I talked with them every gap today.
I wanted to show them my character and I said my plans.
If I get to council, I will make this school better... For example I'll delete school uniforms and everyone will wear what they want.
Good Bye Mark. :) XYZ
To powinno wystarczyć :)