Napisz dania o tym ,co lubisz, czego nie lubisz oraz o swoich lękach i zmartwieniach. Użyj przymiotników z ćw. 1-3.
Przykład. I'm good at swimming and basketball, but I'm not very good at running or football. I'm a bit scared of...
Przymiotniki z ćwiczeń: bad at, fond of, good at, happy about, interested in, worried about, scared of, stressed - ous about, enhusiastic about,
Potrzebne jest mi 6 zdań.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I'm good at english and spanish but im not good in russian and polsih.
I'm scared of spiders and snakes but Im not scared of bees and dogs.
I'm bad at physical education but I'm good at math.
I'm intrested in cooking but Im not intrested in reading.
I'm worried about my LSATs but I'm not worried about my life.
I'm happy about new years eve but I'm not happy about christmas eve.