SPA is near sea. In our bulding are swimming pool,tennis courts,fitness,gym,sauna,restaurnat and 50 bedrooms. We offer massages, facials, peeling, maniciure, fitness, swimming with trainer, nordic walking and yoga lessons. For all night you pay 100$ . Chceck-in begins at 12 pm. We invite all who wish to relax!
We invite you to take advantage from our SPA.
We offer peaceful atmosphere for relaxion.
SPA is near sea. In our bulding are swimming pool,tennis courts,fitness,gym,sauna,restaurnat and 50 bedrooms. We offer massages, facials, peeling, maniciure, fitness, swimming with trainer, nordic walking and yoga lessons. For all night you pay 100$ . Chceck-in begins at 12 pm. We invite all who wish to relax!