Napisz ankiete. zostales poproszony o przygotowanie ankiety dla uczestnikow na zakonczenie kurs integracyjnego w cambridge. zredaguj ankiete, w ktorej poprosisz uczestnikow o: - wyrazenie opinii o kursie - ocene prowadzacego kurs - wymienienie, czego nauczyli sie na kursie - napisanie, czy chetnie uczestniczyliby w podobnych kursach w przyszlosci baaardzo prosze o pomoc, pilnie!!! :))))
Course! To ensure a high standard of our course I would like to answer some questions. - What is your opinion about our course? - How would you reate a man who leaded the course? a) Excellent b) Very good c) Good d) Poor - Tell me, what are your skills after the course? - Do you fancy take part in next cours in future? Why?/Why not? Please, give your reasons. Thank you for your cooperation. XYZ
To ensure a high standard of our course I would like to answer some questions.
- What is your opinion about our course?
- How would you reate a man who leaded the course?
a) Excellent
b) Very good
c) Good
d) Poor
- Tell me, what are your skills after the course?
- Do you fancy take part in next cours in future? Why?/Why not? Please, give your reasons.
Thank you for your cooperation.
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