Napisz 6-7 zdaniowe ,krotkie opowiadanie na dowolny temat musze tam wystepowac.. Prosze o wypowiedz od sb. a nie spisywanie z neta . ; )) . ;d szybka odpoowiedz . ;***. za naj daje 10 . ;d
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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One day I walked through the woods
I noticed a beautiful butterfly that flew past me.
Butterfly slowly departed and I was walking next to him.
A moment later I noticed that it went down the road and I'm in the middle of the forest.
I started a little uneasy feel .
I tried to find a way to go.
Near me I saw an older lady who collected mushrooms.
I went to her and asked for directions.
She explained to me how to get out of the woods, quickly went the way that I pointed out, and after a while I was at home .