napisz 5 zdan po angieslku.
Zad. 1 wyobraź sobie że znalazłeś się na na bardzo zaniedbanej plaży. opisz w pięciu zdaniach dzień, który tam spędziłeś .
( słowka ktore moga byc zawarte )
- traffic
- litter
- crime
- rain
- queue
- insects
- high-rise hotels
- crowd
- noise
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I was on the beach was there by accident. Rain, sand flew in his eyes, he blew terribly not being able to withstand. I had no where to stay, it was not near any hotel. He was the noise. It was the evening, terribly scared. I do not know it's there. I know one thing, it was one of the worst days I experienced.
mysle ze pomoglam ; )