September 2018 3 894 Report
Na podstawie podanych odpowiedzi uzupełnij pytania w czasie Present Simple lub Present Continuous.

1. _____ for ?
My glasses. I can't find them anywhere.

2. _____ to the cinema ?
Well, once or twice a month, I quess. Or when there's a good film on.

3. A: I've just seen the teacher talking to some policemen. What _____ they _____ in our school ?
B: Somebody broke into the secretary's office last night.

4. A: Oh, dear, it's so late. I need to catch my train home.
B: What _____ it _____ ?
A: At quarter to eleven. Could you possibly give me a lift to the station, please ?

5. A: I don't like this cough. It sounds really bad. _____ you _____ ?
B: Yes, but only a few cigarettes a day.

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