Proszę o odpowiedz po angielsku...
1. Opowiadasz o swoim nowym chłopaku
Gdzie się poznaliście
Jak długo się znacie
Spytaj czy możesz przesłać zdjęcie sympatii
2. Opowiadasz o pobycie na Wyspach Owczych
Dlaczego wybrałeś to miejsce
Jaka była pogoda
Twoje odczucia
3. Podczas wakacji na Mazurach koleżanka proponuje jednodniowy rejs statkiem wycieczkowym:
Powiedz dlaczego podoba Ci się jej pomysł
Zaproponuj inna formę spędzenia tego dnia
Wyraź zadowolenie z zaakceptowania Twojego pomysłu
na głownym planie wielki samolot na nim napis : british airlines, on chyba zaczynał lecieć dopiero bo nisko nad ziemią był stoją obok niego ludzie chyba np. patrzą na niego, i to było na jakiejś plaży, nad morzem czy coś. Widać było ładną pogodę.
jak myślisz na co patrzą/na co czekają ludzie (nie pamiętam dokładnie)
jak myślisz dlaczego podróżowanie samolotem jest tak popularne
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. - In last month I met a wonderful boy, now we are couple
- We met at the concert in my favourite club "Lion" in the city center
- Could I send you the photo with my boyfriend?
2. - Last week I were on Faroe Islands. I chose that place because I am interested in history of these islands.
- The weather was wonderful. There were sunny and warm.
- I really like it and I would like to go there again.
3. - I like your brainchild - I love cruises!
- Why don't we go to explore the region?
- I am very happy that you agree with my idea.
The picture shows a big plane in the foreground on which we can see an inscription: British Airlines. The plane has just starts. It is on the beach by the sea. Probably they are saying goodbye to their relatives or friends. The weather is beauty.
1. I think that these people are looking at the plane which is starting the flight.
2. In my opinion air travelling is so popular because we can get to our destination in quite short time.
Mam nadzieję, że chodzi Ci tylko o myślniki...
- You won't believe. My new boyfriend is so gorgeous! We met in Kolobrzeg on the beach, when I was there on holidays.
- We have already known each other 2 months.
- If you want I can send you his photo. Do you want it?
- I spent two weeks in the Faroe Island. I chose this place, because I was reading about it in the main issue of "Travels" magazine. There was written this place is amazing.
- The weather was nice. All the time it was sunny and very hot.
- I really liked the Faroe Island. I hope I'll come back there in the future.
3. To jest negocjowanie, więc chyba w pierwszym myślniku powinno byc napisane "dlaczego Ci się nie podoba jej pomysł", bo tak jak Ty podałaś, to reszta nie pasuje do pierwszego myślnika....
- To my mind your idea isn't good beacuse I have sea-sickness. I'm really sorry.
- Maybe we'll go to swim and sunbath on the beach? What do you think about it?
- I'm very happy that you agree with me, thanks!
OBRAZEK: In the picture I can see a huge airplane. It is in the foreground. I see some people. I suppose that they are on the beach, because in the distance it is sea. People are looking at the airplane.
- I think that people are looking/are waiting on this airplane, because maybe their relatives are inside.
- People choose traveling by airplane because it is the fastest means of transport nowadays. Air travel are very luxurious. By airplane we can overcome the large distances in the world and we can see incredible views.