October 2018 1 543 Report
My officemates and I went by plane to Makassar, the capital city of South South Sulawesi by Srivijaya Air from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. The flight took approximately two hours, but please bear in mind that Makassar (GMT+8) is one hour ahead of Jakarta (GMT+7). We left Jakarta at 6 am (GMT+8) and arrived in Makassar at 7 am (GMT+7). It was a business trip and accordingly we need to stay in a hotel near Sultan Hassanudin International Airport in Makassar. We decided to stay in Dharma Nusantara Hotel II located at only 15 minutes from the airport. It's a nice hotel with a good-deal rate and near the airport.

We had dinner at Surya Super Crab Restaurant in downtown Makassar. The restaurant is fancy and really decent. The restaurant had a good reputation for providing many delicious, rich and tasteful dishes. We ordered black pepper crab, shrimp, and salads which really satisfied us that evening.

The next day, the weather was not perfect but it was quite fine for us to have an adventurous experience. Early in the morning we left the hotel and went to Losari beach.

Answer the following questions based on the above text.

1.What is the best title for the text?
2.How long was the writer's flight from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport to Makassar?
3.We left Jakarta at 6 am ....
Pronoun 'we' in line 3 refers to ....
4.What was the purpose of the writer to go to Makassar?
5.Where was Surya Super Crab Restaurant located?
6.What did the writer and his friends eat in Surya Super Crab Restaurant?
7.How was the restaurant according to the writer?
8.When did the writer go to Losari beach?
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1. Harga 6 kaos Rp. 480.000,00. Brp kah harga 2 1/2 lusin kaos tersebut ? 2. Dengan 8 liter bensin sebuah mobil dpt menempuh jarak 96 km. Jika jarak yg akan ditempuh 144 km, brp liter bensin yg diperlukan ? 3. Untuk membuat 120 roti diperlukan 6 kg gula. Brp banyak gula yg diperlukan untuk membuat 360 roti ? 4.Untuk membuat 60 setel pakaian, seorang penjahit memerlukan waktu 90 hari. Jika penjahit tersebut bekerja selama 120 hari, brp setel pakaian yg dpt dibuat ? 5. Panitia perpisahan memerlukan 30 kg beras untuk menjamu 180 orang undangan. Untuk acara sejenis dengan undangan sebanyak 300 orang. brp kg beras yg diperlukan ? 6. Suatu pekerjaan dpt terselesaikan selama 24 hari oleh 30 orang pekerja. Agar pekerjaan tersebut dpt selesai dlm 18 hari, tentukan : a. Brp kah banyak pekerja yg diperlukan b. Tambahan pekerja yg diperlukan 7. 11 pekerja dpt menyelesaikan pekerjaan selama 40 hari. Jika pekerjaan itu diselesaikan selama 20 hari, brp orang tambahan pekerja yg diperlukan ? 8. Seorang peternak ayam dpt memiliki persediaan makanan untuk 120 ekor ayam selama 25 hari. Jika jumlah ayam bertambah 30 ekor lagi, dlm waktu brp hari persediaan pakan tersebut akan habis ? 9. Pembangunan sebuah gedung direncanakan selesai dlm waktu 30 hari bila dikerjakan 25 orang. Setelah dikerjakan 14 hari, pekerjaan dihentikan selama 8 hari. Supaya pembangunan itu selesai tepat waktu, maka diperlukan tambahan pekerja sebanyak brp ? Tolong dikerjakan dengan cara. Ini dikumpulkan besok. Terima kasih ^_^

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