My last Summer Holiday - opisać w 10 zdaniach w past simple.
Moje wakacje były bardzo ciekawe . Na początku lipca pojechałam ze znajomymi nad morze do Sopotu . Dzień w dzień chodziłam nad morze, grałam w piłkę , opalałam się i kąpałam . Wieczorami robiliśmy ognisko i rozmawialiśmy . Po powrocie do domu trochę czasu spędziłam z rodziną . W sierpniu pojechałam na tydzień w góry . Chodziłam , zdobywałam szczyty i podziwiałam piękne widoki . Resztę wakacji spędziłam w domu . Grałam w gry komputerowe , spotykałam się ze znajomymi , czasami chodziłam na imprezy . Te wakacje wspominam bardzo dobrze . Nie tylko bawiłam się dobrze ale i poznałam bardzo dużo znajomych .
Proszę o przetłumaczenie ! Mogą być inne nawet zdania... Dam "najlepsza odpowiedź" . ! Z góry bardzo dziękuję za pomoc:)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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MY holidays were very interesting. On the early July I went to Sopot with my friends. I used to walk on the beach Day by day, I played football, I was sunbathing and swimming in the sea. In the evenings we were making fire and talking. After homecome I spent some time with my family. In the August I came to the mountains. I was hiking, reaching tops and seeing great views. The rest of my holidays I spent in home. I was playing computer games, meeting friends, sometimes I was going for a party. I think this holidays was really good. I not only have fun but I also meet many new people.
My holiday was very interesting. In early July I went with my friend to the seaside in Sopot. Day by day I played with a ball, swam in the water and sunbathed. In the evening we made a bonfire and talked. After returning home I spent some of time with my family. In August I went for a week in mountains. I went, gained the peaks and admired the beautiful views. Rest of summer I spent in home. I played computer games, met with friend, sometimes I went to the disco. This holiday I remember very good. Not only I had fun but also I met a lot of new friends.