Musze opisać wybraną miejscowość może być Londyn w 10 zdaniach i kartkę z podróży może być też Londynu w 5 zdaniach czyli jak tam jest, co robiłem...
London is a capital of United Kingdom. It is aldo the largest area in UK. The weather there isn't very bad, but it's raining sometimes. People in London have a lot of habits and customs. In London there are a lot of shops and shopping centres. And what important- there you can meet famous people. I've never been in London, but it's my dream to see such beatiful places, like Big Ben, for example or Tower of London.
Hi Kate, I'm in London. The weather is so bad. It's pouring all the time! But imagine, to can see so beatiful places. Yesterday, I saw Madonna, my best singer. It was so exciting! The rest of my adventures I would say you, when I will be in Poland. Bye, XYZ
Hi Kate,
I'm in London. The weather is so bad. It's pouring all the time! But imagine, to can see so beatiful places. Yesterday, I saw Madonna, my best singer. It was so exciting! The rest of my adventures I would say you, when I will be in Poland.
Bye, XYZ