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Hiszpanie Wg stereotypu Hiszpanie zazwyczaj postrzegani jako ludzie hałaśliwi, kompletnie nie dbający o innych, bardzo często spóźniający się na umówione spotkanie (lub na nie nie przychodzący). Jedyne zainteresowania, jakie się im przypisuje to nieustanna zabawa, taniec flamenco i corrida. Dla niewtajemniczonych wydawać się może, ze poza porą popołudniową nie kładą się spać.
Do najczęściej przypisywanych mieszkańcom tego kraju cech charakteru zalicza się nade wszystko umiłowanie rozrywki i przyjemności, a wszystko co nie jest źródłem dobrej zabawy jest przez nich ignorowane. Kolejną specyficzną cechą jest nieprzewidywalność, która uważana jest za jedną pewną rzecz. U podstaw hiszpańskiego charakteru leży także samowystarczalność (z hiszp. individualismo
Po angielsku Usually according to stereotype Spaniard perceived as noisy men, not taking care about different completely, coming late on prearranged meeting very often (or on it not coming). Only interests, what oneself it attributes them this incessant party, dance flamenco and corrida. For uninitiated to seem it can, from they apart from afternoon time do not lie down to sleep.
To the most often attributed occupants this country the guild of character ranks above all become fond of entertainment and pleasure, and all which is not the source of good party it is by them ignored. Nieprzewidywalność is next specific feature, sure thing which be been careful for one. Self - sufficiency at bases of Spanish character lies also { from hiszp. individualismo "That's we trick” the cat called from high up in the tree. "You had better reach into that bag of tricks of yours and choose they right now or you're history” "OK, OK, stay calm” said the fox this himself. "Should And run and hide behind the nearest hedge? Or should And jump down and burrow?” The dogs were getting closer and closer. "Down and burrow that's the way then him” said the fox, and started running around the field looking for and burrow. "Just, that one's too small, And can't get down far enough. This one's too big, they could get down too. Maybe that they over there?” Too late. While the fox wasted time, confused would to so many choices, the dogs caught him and killed him. The cat looked down sadly and said, "It's better this have they safe way than and hundred you can't choose from.”
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Some ethnic groups have their republic in Russia, the Soviet creations yet, once equipped with the autonomy of the facade, and now aspiring to true. The official name of Russia - Russian Federation - is reflected in the fact that the country consists of 89 units with some degree of autonomy: 21 półautonomicznych republics (riespubliki) and 68 wards (oblast) and "countries". About two-thirds of these entities is in European Russia, and the rest of the Ural Mountains.
Republic are the legacy of the Soviet system of nominally autonomous republics, created to live within Russia's national minorities. Adjacent to Russia proper or forming an enclave in the midst of its territory, współtworzyły Russian Federation, RSFSR, which in turn was a member of the Soviet Union.
Several of them are distinct in many respects, the countries that have developed their own, to the exotic lifestyles of other Russians. The best example is the case of Tatarstan. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, all these republics have emphasized more strongly or less their autonomy in the Russian. Most radically preserved Chechnya, which unilaterally proclaimed full independence. Yeltsin as Russian president has an agreement with the republics, the centrifugal calming efforts, and in 1993 constitution granted rights similar to the status of the republics, all circuitry and "countries", acting at the same time that federal law in any case prevail over local laws.
Ok. 80% of the European part of Russia are ethnic Russians. The rest belong to dozens of smaller nations speaking distinct languages and professing different religions. This produced a mosaic of nationalities centuries of migrations, and in the last century, war and mass displacement.
Siberia and the Far East occupy 75% of the territory of Russia, but it is inhabited by only about 30 million people (22% of the total population of Russia). Russians constitute a majority indigenous population, the rest are Ukrainians, Tatars, Germans and smaller groups of different peoples of the former USSR, resulting during the years of the prisoners, exiles, researchers and ordinary settlers.
Wg stereotypu Hiszpanie zazwyczaj postrzegani jako ludzie hałaśliwi, kompletnie nie dbający o innych, bardzo często spóźniający się na umówione spotkanie (lub na nie nie przychodzący). Jedyne zainteresowania, jakie się im przypisuje to nieustanna zabawa, taniec flamenco i corrida. Dla niewtajemniczonych wydawać się może, ze poza porą popołudniową nie kładą się spać.
Do najczęściej przypisywanych mieszkańcom tego kraju cech charakteru zalicza się nade wszystko umiłowanie rozrywki i przyjemności, a wszystko co nie jest źródłem dobrej zabawy jest przez nich ignorowane. Kolejną specyficzną cechą jest nieprzewidywalność, która uważana jest za jedną pewną rzecz. U podstaw hiszpańskiego charakteru leży także samowystarczalność (z hiszp. individualismo
Po angielsku
Usually according to stereotype Spaniard perceived as noisy men, not taking care about different completely, coming late on prearranged meeting very often (or on it not coming). Only interests, what oneself it attributes them this incessant party, dance flamenco and corrida. For uninitiated to seem it can, from they apart from afternoon time do not lie down to sleep.
To the most often attributed occupants this country the guild of character ranks above all become fond of entertainment and pleasure, and all which is not the source of good party it is by them ignored. Nieprzewidywalność is next specific feature, sure thing which be been careful for one. Self - sufficiency at bases of Spanish character lies also { from hiszp. individualismo
"That's we trick” the cat called from high up in the tree. "You had better reach into that bag of tricks of yours and choose they right now or you're history”
"OK, OK, stay calm” said the fox this himself.
"Should And run and hide behind the nearest hedge?
Or should And jump down and burrow?”
The dogs were getting closer and closer.
"Down and burrow that's the way then him” said the fox, and started running around the field looking for and burrow.
"Just, that one's too small, And can't get down far enough. This one's too big, they could get down too. Maybe that they over there?”
Too late. While the fox wasted time, confused would to so many choices, the dogs caught him and killed him.
The cat looked down sadly and said, "It's better this have they safe way than and hundred you can't choose from.”
Republic are the legacy of the Soviet system of nominally autonomous republics, created to live within Russia's national minorities. Adjacent to Russia proper or forming an enclave in the midst of its territory, współtworzyły Russian Federation, RSFSR, which in turn was a member of the Soviet Union.
Several of them are distinct in many respects, the countries that have developed their own, to the exotic lifestyles of other Russians. The best example is the case of Tatarstan. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, all these republics have emphasized more strongly or less their autonomy in the Russian. Most radically preserved Chechnya, which unilaterally proclaimed full independence. Yeltsin as Russian president has an agreement with the republics, the centrifugal calming efforts, and in 1993 constitution granted rights similar to the status of the republics, all circuitry and "countries", acting at the same time that federal law in any case prevail over local laws.
Ok. 80% of the European part of Russia are ethnic Russians. The rest belong to dozens of smaller nations speaking distinct languages and professing different religions. This produced a mosaic of nationalities centuries of migrations, and in the last century, war and mass displacement.
Siberia and the Far East occupy 75% of the territory of Russia, but it is inhabited by only about 30 million people (22% of the total population of Russia). Russians constitute a majority indigenous population, the rest are Ukrainians, Tatars, Germans and smaller groups of different peoples of the former USSR, resulting during the years of the prisoners, exiles, researchers and ordinary settlers.