Muszę napisać CV na język angielski ! :) Dla ulatwienia dam Wam wersje polska więc tylko przetlumaczyc na angielski, prosze ! :) Bardzo prosze o pomoc !
CURRICULUM VITAE Dane Osobowe Imię i nazwisko: xxx Adres zamieszkania: xxx Obywatelstwo: PL Data urodzenia: xxx Stan cywilny: xxx Telefon: xxxx Email: xxxx
Edukacja 2010.09.01 - 2013.04.26 VII Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Legnicy, klasa o profilu policyjnym *Certyfikat ze szkolenia strzeleckiego *Certyfikat z bezpieczeństwa publicznego *Certyfikat z przysposobienia obronnego *3-letnia działalność w samorządzie szkolnym na stanowisku przewodniczącego szkoły 2007.09.02 - 2010.06.25 Gimnazjum nr 4 w Lubinie, klasa o profilu sportowym ze szczególną specjalizacją piłki ręcznej *Liczne osiągnięcia sportowe na pułapie krajowym.
Umiejętności Języki: Polski - ojczysty Angielski - podstawowy Kompetencje miękkie: Praca zespołowa - rozwijana podczas działalności w samorządzie szkolnym oraz w długoletniej grze w piłkę ręczną kreatywność, szybkie opanowanie nowych umiejętności, pracowitość, dyspozycyjność, przyjazna w grupie Obsługa komputera: podstawowa - MS Office, Word, Excel, OpenOffice Prawo jazdy: Kategoria B
Zainteresowania Historia tańca, sport, własne eksperymenty kulinarne.
CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Information Name and surname :Address: Citizenship: PL .Date of Birth: Marital: status:Phone: e-mail: education2010.09.01 - 2013.04.26 VII High School in Legnica class with police* Certificate of training shooting* Certificate of public safety* Certificate of defense training* 3-year in local school activities as chairman of the school2007.09.02 - 2010.06.25 School No. 4 in Lublin, class-profile sports with a particular specialization in handball* Numerous sporting achievements at the national ceiling. knowledgeLanguages: Polish - native English - basicSoft skills: Teamwork - developed during the activities in local schools and in the long game of handball creativity, quickly master new skills, diligence, flexibility, friendly groupComputer skills: Basic - MS Office, Word, Excel, OpenOfficeDriving license: Category B
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Personal InformationName: xxx Address: xxx Citizenship: Poland Date of Birth: xxx Marital status: xxx Phone: xxxx Email: xxxx education2010.09.01 - 2013.04.26 VII High School in Legnica class with police* Certificate of training shooting* Certificate of public safety* Certificate of defense training* 3-year in local school activities as chairman of the school2007.09.02 - 2010.06.25 School No. 4 in Lublin, class-profile sports with a particular specialization in handball* Numerous sporting achievements at the national ceiling. knowledgeLanguages: Polish - native English - basicSoft skills: Teamwork - developed during the activities in local schools and in the long game of handball creativity, quickly master new skills, diligence, flexibility, friendly groupComputer skills: Basic - MS Office, Word, Excel, OpenOfficeDriving license: Category B Interests: The history of dance, sport, own culinary experiments.
Personal Information
Name and surname
Citizenship: PL
.Date of Birth:
education2010.09.01 - 2013.04.26 VII High School in Legnica class with police* Certificate of training shooting* Certificate of public safety* Certificate of defense training* 3-year in local school activities as chairman of the school2007.09.02 - 2010.06.25 School No. 4 in Lublin, class-profile sports with a particular specialization in handball* Numerous sporting achievements at the national ceiling.
knowledgeLanguages: Polish - native English - basicSoft skills: Teamwork - developed during the activities in local schools and in the long game of handball creativity, quickly master new skills, diligence, flexibility, friendly groupComputer skills: Basic - MS Office, Word, Excel, OpenOfficeDriving license: Category B
Address: xxx
Citizenship: Poland
Date of Birth: xxx
Marital status: xxx
Phone: xxxx
Email: xxxx
education2010.09.01 - 2013.04.26 VII High School in Legnica class with police* Certificate of training shooting* Certificate of public safety* Certificate of defense training* 3-year in local school activities as chairman of the school2007.09.02 - 2010.06.25 School No. 4 in Lublin, class-profile sports with a particular specialization in handball* Numerous sporting achievements at the national ceiling.
knowledgeLanguages: Polish - native English - basicSoft skills: Teamwork - developed during the activities in local schools and in the long game of handball creativity, quickly master new skills, diligence, flexibility, friendly groupComputer skills: Basic - MS Office, Word, Excel, OpenOfficeDriving license: Category B
Interests: The history of dance, sport, own culinary experiments.