Mowa zależna... POLECENIE; Translate using the sequence of Tensens 1. Ktośmi mówł że jego starszy brat zniknął 5 lat temu 2. Chcielibyśmy wiedzieć czy podoba ci się ten pokój 3. Zapytałem Jacka"a co znaczą te znaki według niego 4. Powiedziałem rodzico, że nie zamierzam mieszkać w internacie 5. Chcielibyśmy wiedzieć ile osób dzieli z tobą ten pokój 6. Myślałem, że już poznaliście moją współlokatorkę z pokoju 7. Nie wiedziałem co mam zrobic 8. Philip zapytał Helen czy chciałaby za niego wyjść 9. Oni obawiali się, że nie będzie ich stać, aby płacić 50$ tygodniowo za ten pokój 10. Wiedziałem, że tak się stanie predzej czy później
1. Someone told me that his older brother disappeared 5 years ago
2. We would like to know if you like this room
3. Jack asked, what do these signs, according to him
4. I told my parents that I not going to live in a dormitory
5. We would like to know how many people share with you in this room
6. I thought that I you meet my roommate from the room
7. I did not know what to do
8. Philip asked Helen if she wanted to marry him
9. They feared that it would not afford to pay $ 50 a week for this room
10. I knew that would happen sooner or later
Napisal Dr. Kamil Karczewski
1. Someone told me that his brother had disappeared five years
2. We would like to know if you like this room.
3. Jack asked, "what do these signs, according to him.
4 I told my parents that I'm not going to live
in the dormitory.
5. We would like to know how many people share the room with you.
6. I thought that I you meet my roommate from the room.
7. I did not know what I do.
8. Philip asked Helen if she wanted to marry him.
9. They feared that it would not afford to pay $ 50 a week for this room.
10. I knew that would happen sooner or later.