Moja mama często jest w internecie. Gra tam w gry, obecnie w farme.Na stronach internetowych kupuje ziarna i pszenice. W tej grze jej walutą jest euro. Ma tam swoje zwierzęta i je codziennie karmi. Posiada również pług. Chciała by mieć taką farmę w prawdziwym życiu
Prosę o przetłumaczenie na j. angielski. ale prosze bez tłumaczenia w google
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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My mother is often on the Internet. The game there in the game, now infarme.Na websites buys grain and wheat. In this game, its currency is the euro. Has his animals and feeding them daily. It also has a plow.She wanted to have the farm in real life
my mom always surf on internet. she plays in gemes there, actually in a farm. on a web pages she's buying grain and wheat. in this game her currency is euro. she has her animals and she's feed them every day. she also has plow. she want to have the same farm in real life.