możecie mi sprawdzic poprawnośc napisanego listu po angielsku?
Hi Patryk!
Howa are you? Thank for your leter. Write and tell me your a new dog. Yesterday she came to me long ago not seeen cousin of Warszawa. I have not seen her very long. Marta very has changed. Is very taller. She also started out lose weight. Marta has long and curly blond hair. Also changed the style of dress. Se dresses very girl and faschionable. Marta likes to dress and skirt. That's all for me now. I'll be in touch. See you XYZ.
BLAGAM czy moze mi to ktoś sprawdzic abrdzo dokaldnie ;)?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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domyślam się, że jest to praca domowa z repetytorium gimnazjalnego longmana ;)
twoje wypracowanie, na początku jest trochę bez sensu ;/ najpierw piszesz o psie, następnie o jakiejś Marcie
napiszę ci podobnie jak ja to napisałam, ok?
Hi Patik!
how are you? I hope you're ok. I'm writing to tell you about my cousine from Warsaw. Do you remember Marta? We were playing with her when we were jung. Do you believe that she visits me last friday? Now she's taller and thiner. Her hair are already long and curly. Do you remember her style? She likes only comfortable clothes. Now she change her style. She wears fashionable clothes. Now she wears dresses and shirts. I can't belive it.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Mam nadzieję, że będzie naj ;)
Karolinko zgadzam się z Anią, Twój list jest faktycznie trochę bez sensu i jest w nim dość sporo błędów. Doszukałam się jednak także błędów w liście Ani, więc napiszę tu poprawę jej listu, bo nie ma sensu pisać od nowa, skoro treść listu Ani jest ok :)
Hi Patrick!
How are you? I hope you're ok. I'm writing to tell you about my cousin from Warsaw. Do you remember Marta? We were playing together when we were young. Do you believe that she visited me last friday? Now she's taller and thiner. Her hair is long and curly. Do you remember her style? She liked only comfortable clothes. She has changed her style. Now she's wearing fashionable clothes - dresses and skirts. I can't believe it.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.