Chcesz kupić dom lub mieszkanie w Wielkiej Brytanii. Znajdujesz w gazecie ogłoszenie prezentujące nieruchomość, która Cię interesuje. Napisz list do agencji, która je zamieściła. *Określi jaki rodzaj domu/mieszkania chcesz kupić i powołaj się na ogłoszenie. *Zapytaj o odległość od środków komunikacji miejskiej i sklepów. *Zapytaj o co najmniej dwa interesujące Cię elementy wyposażenia domu. *Zapytaj o możliwości uprawiania sportów i dostęp do rozrywek kulturalnych w okolicy.
I would like to buy an apartment with two horizontal advertisements that are placed in the newspaper "Daily Telegraph" and am interested in several important things namely:
How far is the nearest public transport and shops.
Whether the home has a large bathroom and a kitchen that is equipped with furniture.
I would like to also know if the apartment is near some playground to play football and how far is the nearest museum.
I would like to buy an apartment with two horizontal advertisements that are placed in the newspaper "Daily Telegraph" and am interested in several important things namely:
How far is the nearest public transport and shops.
Whether the home has a large bathroom and a kitchen that is equipped with furniture.
I would like to also know if the apartment is near some playground to play football and how far is the nearest museum.
Please contact me.
My number is 00448956123674