Fueron muchos los aportes de Frederick, entre los más importantes a resaltar son los siguientes; Estudio de los movimientos en el ámbito del hacer, Estandarización de herramientas, Métodos de determinación de costos, Selección de empleados por tareas, Incentivos si se termina el trabajo a tiempo, entre otros.
Frederick Taylor hace gala de su conocimiento en su libro “The Principles of Scientific Management” publicado en 1911, donde resume la forma de trabajar de los gerentes o jefes y los obreros.
Frederick made many contributions, among the most important to highlight are the following; Study of the movements in the field of doing, Standardization of tools, Methods of determining costs, Selection of employees by tasks, Incentives if the work is completed on time, among others.
Frederick Taylor demonstrates his knowledge in his book "The principles of scientific management", published in 1911, which summarizes the way of working of managers and workers.
There were many contributions from Frederick, among the most important to highlight are the following; Study of the movements in the field of doing, Standardization of tools, Methods of determination of costs, Selection of employees by tasks, Work incentives and time, among others.
Frederick Taylor has a gala of his knowledge in his book "The principles of scientific management", published in 1911, which summarizes the way of working of managers or bosses and workers.
There were many contributions from Frederick, among the most important to highlight are the following; Study of the movements in the field of doing, Standardization of tools, Methods of determination of costs, Selection of employees by tasks, Work incentives and time, among others.Frederick Taylor has a gala of his knowledge in his book "The principles of scientific management", published in 1911, which summarizes the way of working of managers or bosses and workers.
Some of Taylor's arguments for the application of his proposals must be cited, for Taylor it was necessary to divide between those who think the best ways to do the work and those who have the physical strengths to execute it, the former were given the responsibility of training to the seconds until obtaining of them the greater yield that his body could give. Among the most important recognitions of Frederick Taylor are the medal of "Elliot cresson" as well as his appointment of doctor honoris causa in science by the University of Pennsylvania.
In his work he explains how to execute each of the operations of the work, which has the same meaning as the operation model, as the first point points to the workers' scientific selection, which they learn, teach and form, while in the past Each worker chose his own work and learned for himself how to improve. On the other hand, he points out the importance of distributing work and responsibility between management and workers, where management takes responsibility for all the work for which it is more qualified than the workers, while, in the past, almost everything The work and most of the responsibility was laid on the backs of the workers and finally points out the importance of Studying to promote better opportunities for the employee. The study of work has become the worker, as well as the union with the worker.
There were many contributions from Frederick, among the most important to highlight are the following; Study of the movements in the field of doing, Standardization of tools, Methods of determination of costs, Selection of employees by tasks, Work incentives and time, among others.
Frederick Taylor has a gala of his knowledge in his book "The principles of scientific management", published in 1911, which summarizes the way of working of managers or bosses and workers.