Mam zrobić coś w rodzaju wypracowania na język angielski. Mam opisać swój ulubiony film, a oto podpunkty, które mają się znaleźć w tekście:
-Rodzaj filmu
- Kto filmuje?
- O czym on jest?
- Dlaczego mi się spodobał?
-Co mi się zwłaszcza w nim podobało?
To ma być odpowiedź ustna i ma trwać jakieś 2min "gadania" o owym filmie(na pamięć trzeba się nauczyć). Czekam na odpowiedzi, najlepiej jak to będzie także przetłumaczone, żebym mniej więcej wiedział o co chodzi, ale nie jest to priorytetem, a ja "orłem" z angielskiego niestety nie jestem.
This is the action Film . The Name of the Film is a "James Bond".This film tells the story a secret agent who working with England.He has very hard mission but he is the best in this work. He have a lot of gadget .This movie is fantastic becouse it is very exciting and have a lot of action moments.But the best scene in the movie is when James Bond saves the beautyfull woman and catches criminals.
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The Butterfly Effect is a 2004 American psychological thriller film directed and written by Eric Bress and J. Mackye Gruber. The film stars Ashton Kutcher, Amy Smart, Eric Stoltz and others, and was distributed by New Line Cinema. The title is a reference to the butterfly effect, which is a metaphor that encapsulates the idea that if one were to make small changes, while going back to the past, the resulting changes to the present would be large and various. Evan Treborn , who suffered severe traumas as a boy and a teenager , blacks out frequently, often at moments of high stress. While in his dorm room reading one of his journals to a girl, he finds that when he reads from his adolescent journals, he travels back in time, and is able to essentially "redo" parts of his past, thereby causing the blackouts he experienced as a child. There are consequences to his choices, however, that he then propagates back to the present: his alternate futures vary from frat boy to prisoner to amputee. His efforts are driven by the desire to undo the most traumatic events of his childhood which coincide with his blackouts, including saving his childhood sweetheart Kayleigh , from being molested by her father and tormented by her sociopathic brother.
The actions he takes, and those he enables others to take during his blackouts, change the timeline in the new future wherein he awakes. As he continues to do this, he realizes that even though his intentions are good, the actions he takes have unintended consequences. Moreover, the assimilation of dozens of years' worth of new memories from the alternate timelines causes him brain damage. Ultimately he decides that his attempts to alter the past end up only harming those he cares about. He travels back in time once more to the first day he met Kayleigh and scares her away. He succeeds in undoing his childhood as he knew it, and then destroys all his journals so that he's not tempted to bring any of it back.
The film ends eight years in the future with Evan leaving an office building and passing Kayleigh on the street. After a moment's hesitation, he lets her pass by without noticing him
Efekt motyla (ang. The Butterfly Effect) – thriller fantastycznonaukowy z 2004 roku, produkcji USA, w reżyserii Erica Bressa i J. Mackye Grubera.
Tytuł najsilniej odnosi się do teorii nazwanej efektem motyla, anegdotycznej ilustracji wpływu pozornie nieistotnych zdarzeń na inne, o wielokroć większym zasięgu.
Tytuł jest także metaforą wyglądu skanów mózgu, które przypominają motyla.
ii bla bla bla, wklej sobie do translatora jakby cos :-)
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Evan Treborn , who suffered severe traumas as a boy and a teenager , blacks out frequently, often at moments of high stress. While in his dorm room reading one of his journals to a girl, he finds that when he reads from his adolescent journals, he travels back in time, and is able to essentially "redo" parts of his past, thereby causing the blackouts he experienced as a child. There are consequences to his choices, however, that he then propagates back to the present: his alternate futures vary from frat boy to prisoner to amputee. His efforts are driven by the desire to undo the most traumatic events of his childhood which coincide with his blackouts, including saving his childhood sweetheart Kayleigh , from being molested by her father and tormented by her sociopathic brother.
The actions he takes, and those he enables others to take during his blackouts, change the timeline in the new future wherein he awakes. As he continues to do this, he realizes that even though his intentions are good, the actions he takes have unintended consequences. Moreover, the assimilation of dozens of years' worth of new memories from the alternate timelines causes him brain damage. Ultimately he decides that his attempts to alter the past end up only harming those he cares about. He travels back in time once more to the first day he met Kayleigh and scares her away. He succeeds in undoing his childhood as he knew it, and then destroys all his journals so that he's not tempted to bring any of it back.
The film ends eight years in the future with Evan leaving an office building and passing Kayleigh on the street. After a moment's hesitation, he lets her pass by without noticing him
Efekt motyla (ang. The Butterfly Effect) – thriller fantastycznonaukowy z 2004 roku, produkcji USA, w reżyserii Erica Bressa i J. Mackye Grubera.
Tytuł najsilniej odnosi się do teorii nazwanej efektem motyla, anegdotycznej ilustracji wpływu pozornie nieistotnych zdarzeń na inne, o wielokroć większym zasięgu.
Tytuł jest także metaforą wyglądu skanów mózgu, które przypominają motyla.
ii bla bla bla, wklej sobie do translatora jakby cos :-)