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Napisz o sławnej osobie z Polski (6-10zdań)
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a) Jan Paweł II (Karol Wojtyła born May 18, 1920in Wadowice, died.April 2, 2005in Vatican City
b)The poet andlinguist, as well asan actor, playwrightand teacher.Philosopherof history,phenomenologist, mystic anda represen tative ofthe Christianpersonalism.
c. He hadcontactwith young people, but alsowith olderpeople,healKayKellyofmalignancy(cancer),he dida lotof pilgrimagein the world.Do notrejectanyone
For me, a famous figure of the Polish is no longer living, Blessed Pope John Paul | |. Key dates in the life of Pope John Paul | | to:
May 18, 1920, in Wadowice, born Karol Józef Wojtyła, the son of Charles and Emilia Kaczorowski. June 20 was baptized in the parish church of Wadowice.
1926, in the men's start learning the Universal School. Martin Wadowita in Wadowice.
1929, death of his mother.
1930, starting at the National Middle School Science Masculine them. Martin Wadowita.
1932, the death of his brother Edmund.
1938 maturity exam, moving with his father to Krakow and Polish studies start at the Jagiellonian University.
1940, the factory started Solvay, first in the quarries in Zakrzówek, then the so-called. water treatment.
1941, the death of his father.
1942, the start of studies in secret Faculty of Theology of the Jagiellonian University (as a seminarian of the Archdiocese of Krakow Seminary undercover).
1946, the adoption on November 1 priesthood by Cardinal Sapieha in the chapel of the House of Bishops, and Mass the next day. prymicyjna celebrated in the crypt of St. Leonard Castle. Check to study in Rome.
1948 doctoral thesis and begin pastoral work in Niegowić. Ks. Karol Wojtyla catechism in schools Wiatrowicach, Pierzchowie, Cichawie, Nieznanowicach, conducted together with Fr. Ciuba Living Rosary, and founded in the parish drama club.
1949, transferred to the parish of St. Florian in Kraków.
1953, the end of the habilitation at the Faculty of Theology of the Jagiellonian University and provide a hearing entitled: An attempt to develop a system of Christian ethics by Max Scheler. Habilitation colloquium on December 1, after which the Council of the Faculty of Theology of the Jagiellonian University has decided to present Fr. K. Wojtyla to the approval of the Minister of Higher Education as an assistant professor of ethics and moral theology.
1954 lectures on Catholic social teaching seminaries for clerics, Krakow, Czestochowa Silesia and the elimination of the Faculty of Theology at the Jagiellonian University.
1956, appointed assistant professor at the Department of Ethics KUL.
1958 appointment as suffragan bishop of Krakow by Pope Pius XII after the death of Bishop Stanislaus Rospond. September 28 episcopal ordination took place in Wawel Cathedral. New bishop accepted as a motto the words of St.. Louis Marie de Montfort - Totus tuus (All yours).
1962, active participation in the sessions of Vatican Council II (statements about the distribution pattern and the sources of Revelation, about social media and the Church).
1963, participated in the second session of the Second Vatican Council in December pilgrimage to the Holy Land and the appointment by Pope Paul VI Metropolitan of Krakow.
March 8, 1964 ingres newly appointed Archbishop of Krakow Wawel Cathedral.
Active participation in the third session of the Second Vatican Council (including statements about some of the projects and the establishment of the Council documents, the team prepares the pastoral constitution on the Church in the Modern World).
1965, for the fourth session of the Second Vatican Council.
1967 appointment to the College of Cardinals and the adoption of nominations at the Vatican June 26.
1969 appointment to the post of deputy chairman of the Conference of the Polish Episcopate.
1971, appointed to the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops at the Synod in Rome.
1973 trip to the Philippines, Australia, Guinea and New Zealand and participated in the International Eucharistic Congress in Melbourne.
In June, a visit to the headquarters Light-Life Movement in Krościenko, dedication to a copy of the statue of the Immaculate Hill and entrusting to the Mother Church of the Immaculate Movement.
1975 appointment by the Plenary Conference of the Polish Episcopate to the Chair of the Commission for the Apostolate of the Laity, Chairman of the Committee on Science of the Catholic, a member of the Commission for Polish institutions in Rome and a member of the General Commission for the Pastoral Care.
1976 trip to the United States and Canada, and participated in the International Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia.
1978, participated in the funeral of Pope Paul VI, who died on August 6, and the conclave at which he was elected pope, Cardinal Patriarch of Venice. Albino Luciani. The new pope, who took the name John Paul I, died in the night from 28 to 29 September. Began on October 14 this year, another conclave. October 16, during the seventh vote at approx. 17.15, Archbishop of Krakow, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla was elected pope. He took the name John Paul II. O h. 18.45 Cardinal. Pericle Felici announced the election of a new pope. Pope John Paul II gave the first blessing "Urbi et Orbi". Oct. 22 at St. Peter's Square was the official inauguration of the pontificate, and the next day the first audience for 4000 Poles in the Paul VI Hall.
Nov. 12, John Paul II officially appointed to the chair of Rome - St. Peter's Basilica. John Lateran.
December 3, visiting first the Roman parish of San Francesco Saverio Garbatella district, started a visit to the Roman parish.
1979, the first apostolic trip to Mexico and the San Domingo (from 25 January to 1 February). During his pontificate, John Paul II made a pilgrimage to the 91 already in many countries on all continents.
Announcement on March 4 first encyclical, entitled Redemptor hominis (Redeemer of man). To date, Pope John Paul II issued 13 encyclicals:
Redemptor Hominis (Redeemer of man, 1979)
Dives in Misericordia (The Divine Mercy, 1980)
Laborem Exercens (O human labor, 1981)
Slavorum Apostoli (The Apostles of the Slavs, 1985)
Dominum et Vivificantem (O Holy Spirit, 1986)
Redemptoris Mater (Mother of the Redeemer, 1987)
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (social concern of the Church, 1987)
Redemptoris Missio (The missionary activity of the Church, 1990)
Centesimus Annus (The 100th anniversary of the encyclical "Rerum Novarum", 1991)
Veritatis Splendor (Shine Truth, 1993)
Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life, 1995)
Ut Unum Sint (To be one, 1995)
Fides et Ratio (Faith and Reason, 1998)
From 2 to 10 June, the first apostolic trip to the Polish market. Homeland Pope has visited seven times (in 1983, 1987, 1991, twice in 1995, in 1997 and 1999), hosting in all Polish dioceses.
Starting the official theological dialogue Catholic-Orthodox announced November 30 in conjunction with the Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios I of Constantinople, the decision to establish a Joint Commission for Catholic-Orthodox Theological Dialogue to.
In the first year of his pontificate, John Paul II received in audience including Polish Primate Cardinal. S. Wyszynski, the Secretary General of the UN, the delegation of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople, and Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
1981 attempt on the life of the Holy Father on May 13 during Wednesday's general audience.
1983 apostolic constitution Sacrae ad Disciplinae Leges, promulgating the new Code of Canon Law.
The granting of the Catholic University of Lublin and the Jagiellonian University in Krakow honorary doctorates.
1985 celebration of the International Year of Youth and meeting with more than 300 thousand. young people from all over the world. The establishment of the International Youth Day, celebrated every year from now on Palm Sunday.
Extraordinary Synod of Bishops in the 20th anniversary of the end of Vatican II.
1986 visit to Assisi on the occasion of the World Day of Prayer for Peace, celebrated with the participation of representatives of 13 world religions.
The official presentation of the 1992 Catechism of the Catholic Church.
1993, and the celebration of the World Day of the Sick on February 11 in Lourdes. Since then, he is celebrated every year.
1996 celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the Priesthood and the publication of the book "Gift and Mystery," which John Paul II wrote on the 50th anniversary of his ordination.
1998 apostolic journey to Cuba from 21 to 26 January.
20th Celebration anniversary of his pontificate with multitudes of pilgrims from Polish, representatives of the Polish Episcopate and the state authorities.
1999 inauguration Jubilee 2000 years of Christianity, the opening of the Holy Door of the Basilica. Peter on Christmas night.
pilgrimage to the sources of faith in the Year of the Great Jubilee of Christianity, that is, to Egypt, Jordan and the Holy Land.
Punkt B jest napoisany w tabeli z datami jeśli chceszz to możesz przepisać :)
Punkt C też masz w datach a gdybyś coś jeszcze chciał to napisz mi wiadomość :)