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Hi Chris,
how are you ? Are you healthy.
In this letter i'd to talk you what i've just eaten. It was the greatest dish when i've any eaten. This dish is fish curry. I've eaten this on the supper with my new beautifull girlfriend. This dish was delicious. Ok, i'd to write recipe of this :
The Ingredients : one salmon , two teaspoon of mixSino-Indian spices , a handful of:thyme, basil,mintand other freshherbs, twoteaspoonsof soy sauce, mixedsaladwitharugula. Method ofpreparation: Grill fish with marinadeconsistingof:spices,soy sauce, freshlychoppedherbs. Grill until a fish doesn't became orange. The salmon cut into two parts and put on salad and sprinklewithlimejuice. ooo, it was brilliant meal. I'd liketo invite you tosupper, we'd like eat this meals.
See you , (twoje imie)
postscript. Greetings from my new girlfriend.