mam napisac o swoej kolekcji np..znaczkow i ma sie w tym tekscie znalesc jak mam na imie ile mam lat co kolekcjonuje(napiszcie ze gazety np;13,brawo,i dziwczyna) i jeszcz ma sie ttam znalesc whst nstionslity are i to wszystko to ma byc troszke dłusze ale na poziomie 1 gimnazjum wiec agielski oczywiscie
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Hello, my name is Daria and I'm 13. I'm from (Kotowa Wola-.-) in Poland and I collect newspapers Bravo. It's German newspaper, but have Polish edition too. I like it, because there are a lot informations about pop stars and style. I have about 50 units of it. I want to start buying old copies of this fantastic newspaper in nearly feature. Greetings from Poland ;* :DD
I'm in hope that will be good :P
Aha tego już nie pisz..