Proszę o sprawdzenie tego tekstu czy jest logiczny i czy nie ma błędów gramatycznych For five thousand years homosexuality was taboo in virtaly ever culture on earth. 5 % of homosexuals living in Poland. From 2012 homosexuality was accept by half the popilation. But wheather gays should get married? I thint so becouse gay people should be allowed to get married / being gay is not a choice you are born that way.No one has the right to deny you your happiness with another person . The most import_ant argument for gay marriage ist that there is no sound argument against it.the most common argument against get marriage is that it is immoral or wrong based on person's religous convictions Sammarizing in Poland should be legalized homosexual relationshipd becouse :(te zdania przetłumaczone sa przez tłumacza google|) Bóg nie nakazuje związku kobiety i mężczyzny-God does not require the union of a woman and a man. Każdy ma prawo do miłości-Everyone has the right to love Każdy ma prawo do poczucia bezpieczeństwa u boku bliskiej osoby-Everyone has the right to be safe at the side of a loved one -każdy zasługuje na tolerancję--each deserving of tolerance
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