mam napisac list w ktorym opisuje wakacje mojego kolegi (zalozmy ze łukasz )i mam dopisac do tego zdania np. the village(small,near the sea, lake,nace shops)Wielkie dzieki
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Michael,
How are you? I want to tell you about my friend Łukasz. He had really great holidays. He went to France. He visited beatiful small villages, and swam in the sea. I am sure Łukasz saw many interesting things.
And what about you? How was your holidays?
Lobe from
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Visitingmy friendLukewere veryniceand cheerful.
Hewentinto the mountains.The first dayhe went toseathe eye.He toldme thathe walkedtwenty kilometersin two directions.When theordercame towas very happy, becausethe road wasvery heavy.On the second dayhe went toSarniarock.The views wereindescribable.I have to go,because it'sgoingtoLuke, whois calling metoplay football.I greet andkiss.
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