Mam napisać o tym co zamierzam robić w wakacje... Coś stworzyłam, ale chciałabym zeby ktos mi to sprawdził i poprawił błędy.... I może powiedział z czym mam problemy... ;) w swojej pracy muszę używać wyrażenia "going to" wiec niech nikogo nie dziwi to, że wiele razy tego sformułowania używałam. ;]
I'm going to drive Lake at the beginning Juli. I'm going to meet friends often and I'm going to partying much. I am going to sunbathe on the beatch at Łeba and I'm going to play ball. I am going to drive the seaside. I am going to stay in a hotel and I am going to visit city. I am going to visit in mountains per week the end of August. I am going to see the surrounding sights and I am going to great shopping to do. I' am going too drive for a few days to visit my grandmother to rest before school.I-m going to repeat the material before schooland I am going to buy stuff yiu need lessons. I am going to make these holidays were exceptional.