Make adjectivies from the words belwoe and use them in sentences.
A. Classic
B. classical, Beetoven is a classical composer.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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B. tak mi się wydaje, robiła kiedyś coś podobnego i chyba miałam dobrze.
Electrical, Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with electromagnetism.
Exciting, Yesterdays match was so exciting.
Experimental, refers to a compositional tradition which was unforeseeable.
Musical, My brother's not any kind of musical, I can't stand him singing.
Aggressive, My dog used to be aggresive.
Powerfull, My fist is so powerfull ;)
Relaxed, Usually I feel relaxed, after I take a bath.
Monotonal, Since yesterday everything became so monotonal.
Attractive,I find my wife really attractive.
Logical, I used to spend hours playing logical games.
Energic, Morphine makes me feel so energic.
Mood, (modality?)
Through, My wife was through with me.
Enjoyable, My hobbys are really enjoyable.
Nervous, I always feel nervous after work.
Wonderfull, Such a wonderfull place.
Adventural,I love adventural films.
Talented, I saw a guy who was so talented in art.
Artistic, "Artistic dreams" were a term used for gained art trophies.
Skilled, He is skilled at dancing.
To na tyle, mam nadzieję, że pomogłem :)
Przejrzyj ewentualnie jeszcze, może zauważysz coś do zmiany.